jeudi 11 août 2016

I Walk the Hypersurface (of artist Leonard Jubenville's 'Searching for NOW')

I Walk the Hypersurface
At the occasion of artist Leonard Jubenville’s exhibit, “Searching for Now” (August 11, 2016)

At 16, my life existed in 2-Dimensions.
like a caterpillar crawling one side of the milkweed,
or King Ferdinand walking his flat earth.
Being was just what I could see:
this or that,
here or there –
a standstill of absolutes.

At 36, the 3-Dimensions of my life’s loves,
the new-born atoms of my family,
triggered blood-tie ripples into the world,
each particle concurrently connecting
to the wondrous change I wrought.

At 66, I stand in this 4-Dimensional
absorbing all
the reverberations of
those earlier epochs.

Powerless to change what’s arose;
begun anew:
Art, Babies, Baking, Creating, Crops, Cycles,
Death, Dramas, Families, Friendships, gods
Grandmothers, Heartaches, Houses,
Loves, Lusts, Marriages, Moments, Paintings, Pies,
Seasons, Sex, Sensations, Space, Times, Worlds
The Alpha to Omega of my co-existing
16-36-66-continuum travels
with me
in me