samedi 20 avril 2013

Lewis - 4. The Well-Travelled Student

Students on the Isle of Lewis may be isolated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but they are probably amongst the best-travelled students in the World. And perhaps due to this remote location, they are use to travelling.

The first week the teachers were there, students were coming and going from trips to Majorca, France, and Southern England. Parents commented that during their time in school, students had had access to World trips every year – countries across the European Union (EU); Africa, Russia, and New York City in the United States seemed to be popular and frequent destinations for the students at the secondary school. The school was constantly raising money in conjunction with their local council (board of education) to send whole years, or grades, on school trips. But because many EU countries are fairly close, this was not as expensive as it might be seem to “the Canadians” (as they became known). In Canada, there is only one other country in travelling distance (under 3,000 miles), and that is not usually a unique experience because the language and most of the media of that country is the same.

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